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Sporting Clays

Fun Shoot

Join us every month for

some friendly competition!

Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises regularly hosts a Sporting Clay Fun Shoot every second Sunday of the month. This event is open to the public and it serves as an opportunity for National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) members to register their targets.

How the fun shoot works:

  • Register at ScoreChaser

  • Squadded Event with two rotations avaiable

  • After checking in and being assigned a squad, you will receive a Purple Key preloaded with all of your squad's targets

    • This Purple Key has a few extra targets in case of breaks, however, there are NOT enough extra targets for you to view the targets before your squad shoots a station​

      • We do this to keep the cost of the Fun Shoot down for participants​​

    • If you would like to view targets prior to shooting a station or need extra targets, you can use the Yellow Key we will provide you​

      • The Yellow Key provides you with additional targets at a discounted rate, 24¢ per clay target thrown​

  • After completing your shooting and you have submitted your scorecard, we will serve lunch!

  • After lunch, you are welcome to continue your shooting until 4:00 pm using the discounted Yellow Key!

fun shoot timeline:

7:30 am - Sign-Ins Begin

9:00 am -  1st Squadded rotation begins

                   -  Super Sporting may begin

12:00 Pm 2nd Squadded rotation begins

11:00 am-2:00 pm - Lunch is served
2:00 pm Small Bore may begin

3:50 pm - Please return ALL Yellow Keys to the Office

4:00 pm - Office Closes for the day

Additional Information:

Winners of competitions can collect their winnings from the Range Office


Lunch is included with the event registration fee!

Fun Shoot

Competition Events:

  • What is the Hunter Safety Test like?
    The test consists of 100 mulitple-choice questions and is given to students at the end of the day. You must recieve at least a 80% on this test to be awarded a Hunter Safety Completion Card, issued by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Successful graduates can take the card to a sporting good store to purchase a hunting license.
  • What happens if I don't pass the test?
    That's okay! You can come back to another class we have scheduled. You can either retake the entire class OR just retake the test for no additional charge.
  • I lost my Hunter Safety Education card, what now?
    If you took the Hunter Safety class at Raahauge's, we can reissue a duplicate card to you, IF we can find your name in our system. It costs $20 to get a duplicate card.
  • How young is too young to take a Hunter Safety Course?
    The Department of Fish and Wildlife is a state agency and it cannot discriminate by age. According to the Department of Fish and Wildlife, it is up to the discretion of the parent/guardian to decide when their child has both the maturity and upperbody strength to safely and skillfully manipulate a firearm.
  • When can junior hunters go on their first hunt? What can they hunt for?
    Once juniors have passed the Hunter Safety test, they can obtain a hunting license and may hunt any legal species except big game if they are under the age of 12. Once a junior has turned 12, they may apply for big game tags with their Junior Hunting License, when approved, they will be able to hunt appropriate big game.

2024 Registered
Event Dates:

2025 Registered
Event Dates:


November 10 - Fun Shoot​

December 8 - Fun Shoot​


January 12 - Fun Shoot​

February 9 - Fun Shoot​

March 9 - Fun Shoot​​​

April 13 - Fun Shoot​

​May 10 - Mike Raahauge Memorial Shoot​

All proceeds go to the Raahauge Shooting

Sports Foundation

June 8 - Fun Shoot

June-TBD - The Jum Porter & Gerry Shelley 
                      Memorial Shoot - 
All proceeds go
                      to So Cal Top Guns

July 13 - Fun Shoot​

​August 10 - Fun Shoot​

September 14 - Fun Shoot​

​October 12 - Fun Shoot​

November 9 - Fun Shoot​

December 14 - Fun Shoot​


Plan on joining us in the fun shoot?

Don't forget to complete your wavier!



Join to get updates on the latest news, weather, hours, and events!

14995 River road, eastvale, ca 92880- 951-735-7981

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